Dipper. Display 1: Line 1: Oh man, I can't believe I'm with the author! Line 2: Gosh, I hope no one was looking! Line 3: Maybe if I cross my legs, no one will notice! Line 4: Kinda kinda hungry, but could also not eat. Line 5: I should really try out the president's key sometime. Line 6: I could probably I could probably rob a bank. Line 7: I miss Tyrone! Line 8: That red bathing suit, man!
Интернет радуется строке 3, а меня строки 2-3 забавляют тем, что они подряд после 1. =)
Phrases superimposed over the 8 lines accompanied by Dipper's voice saying them: "Oh man, I can't believe I'm with the author!" "Is my fly down?" (sung) "Disco girl coming through!" (three times) "Wendy"
Dipper. Display 2: Line 1: Ugh, this is so hard! I've been here forever! Line 2: Eeeny meeny miney you. Line 3: Does Ford like me? Line 4: Is Bill indestructible? Line 5: What's his secret? Line 6: Who stole the capers? Line 7: Why does he have to be so mysterious about Bill?Line 8: I can handle the truth!
Ford. Display 2: Line 1: I can't tell him, he's not ready. Line 2: I'm so cl--the grand unified theory of weirdness. [The screen is not consistent, and so the sentence is never pieced together in a steady stream] Line 3: I miss dimension 52. Line 4: I'm sorry Fiddleford Line 5: Crampelter
Я начала искать это ради строки 4, вполне человеческая мысль, так что мне еще расшифровывать и расшифровывать мое отношение к Форду. Неожиданно порадовала строка 2, что-что там должно было быть? "I'm so clever"? =D)))