Doctor Who. Мысли и цитаты => спойлеры:
Серия 36х12 The Doctod FallsСерия 36x12 The Doctod Falls
MASTER: So, I imagine you're the next one along, then?
MISSY: Oh, I think so. I'm a bit hazy on the whole regeneration thing, I'm afraid.
MASTER: You mean, I'm going to turn into a woman and you don't even remember it happening?
MISSY: Oh! Am I a woman now?
MASTER: Well, kind of, yeah.
MISSY: Hold me.
MASTER: Kiss me.
MISSY: Make me.
DOCTOR: Do you two want to be alone? Which, in your case, would mean more than it usually does.
DOCTOR: Well, let's see how I do. Your Tardis got stuck. You killed a lot of people, took over the city, lived like a king until they rebelled against your cruelty. And ever since then you've been hiding out, probably in disguise, because everybody knows your stupid round face.
MASTER: Round?
MISSY: It's a little bit.
MASTER: Shut up!
DOCTOR: I did say that, yes.
BILL: Were you lying?
BILL: Were you right?
DOCTOR: No. Bill. /i>
BILL: We're not going to get out of this one, are we.
DOCTOR: Well, I don't know. There are always possibilities.
(She grabs his lapels and pushes him against a pillar.)
MISSY: A very long time ago, a very scary lady threw me against a wall and made me promise to always, always carry a spare dematerialisation circuit. I don't remember much about her now but, she must have made quite an impression.
(And takes a dematerialisation circuit out of her jacket pocket.)
MASTER: You know you basically have me to thank for this.
MISSY: You're welcome.
MASTER: By the way, is it wrong that I er
(They both glance down.)
MISSY: Yes. Very.
MASTER: See this face? Take a good, long look at it. This is the face that didn't listen to a word you just said.
На прощание:
DOCTOR: Yeah. This is it, I'm afraid. So, if there's anything we ought to be saying?
BILL: I can't think of anything. Can you?
DOCTOR: (thinks) No.
BILL: But, hey er, you know how I'm usually all about women and, and kind of people my own age.
BILL: Glad you knew that.
Вот я не понимаю, что Билл имеет в виду.Серия 36х13 Twice Upon a TimeСерия 36x13 Twice Upon a Time
Реально нет ничего смешнее:
Previously on Doctor Who
(Black and white 4:3 grainy picture - excerpts from The Tenth Planet,)
709 episodes ago...
Вот хотя сценарии Марка Гэйтисса, при всем уважении, мне мимо, но.как.актер он мне нравится.
Есть еще шутка, что егт противника играет еще один сценарист сериала.
Всё-таки Дэвид Брэдли - не идеальный Уильям Хартнелл: он не хихикает.
DOCTOR 1: Enough of this! Who are you?
DOCTOR 12: Er, you know who I am. You knew the moment you saw me. I'd say stop being an idiot, but I kind of know what's coming.
BILL: Doctor! (they hug) I knew it! I did, I knew it. I knew you couldn't be dead, you don't have the concentration. Doctor? What are you doing?
CAPTAIN: Trouble is, I thought I'd been rescued. It felt rather like a miracle, in fact. But I do have this feeling they're going to put me back. Back in that crater in time to die. And you see, I'm not ready any more. I've lost the idea of it. That's the trouble with hope. Makes one awfully frightened. (laughs) I must sound like the most dreadful coward.
DOCTOR 1: But why him? What's so important about one Captain?
DOCTOR 12: Everybody's important to somebody, somewhere.